Monday, April 23, 2007

Live Blogging! Gatsby: Chapter 7


(1) Please reference by name to whom you are responding. Ex: I agree with Clay's comment about Gatsby's childlike approach to love, but I think we need to give Gatsby more credit because he is the only character in this novel who stays true to his love.

(2) Please use correct punctuation and spelling (as always).

(3) Hit the F5 key to refresh. You will need to do this continually in order to see everyone's comments.

(4) Try to find a balance between listening to the inner circle and having your own blogging discussion on the outer circle. Please don't abandon the inner circle altogether.


Blogger Lizzie A said...

Didn't we know that that they had a child before? I thought that we had heard of her before, in like the first chapter.

8:00 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

Well in chapter 1 we found out that Daisy and Tom have had a child. I disagree with Jordan and everyone else that the child is what is holding her back because she does not even have a connection with her daughter.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

I disagree with the fact that the reason Tom and Daisy are still together is because of their daughter. I feel as if they like the title of their high status marriage and they both like the idea of each other.

8:01 AM  
Blogger zoe_k said...

I agree with Jordan's comment that Daisy stays in the relationship for the things they have together; such as the money and their child. Thier love isnt true love, its just convenient

8:01 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Well channing what do you think is holding her back then?

8:01 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

I really agree with Channing because she really seems like she is disgraced by her child.

8:02 AM  
Blogger Hadley said...

I do not believe that the only reason Tom and Daisy are together just because of their child. Tom truely shows his love for Daisy by fighting for her in this chapter and even Daisy admits that she would be lying if she said she never loved Tom. There was once true love in their relationship

8:02 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

I think that this child would already have problems growing up in this family. I think that the money would cause far more problems than the divorce.

8:02 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

Also, her maid or the nanny or whatever takes care of her child. In chapter 7 her daughter comes in the room with the nanny and she says "hello my sweet angel!" Obviously she loves her daughter but she is not really involved in her life at all.

8:02 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

I think that the fact that society frowns upon divorce is holding them together

8:03 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

I don't think that her daughter is holding her back because she can leave and have another maid with Gatsby

8:03 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

Why did he send her back with Gatsby? I just don't get it.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to Jordan's comment about Daisy and Tom only staying together this long only for the reason of their child, I must say that I do agree with this because in many real life scenarios, parents only stay together out of love for their children, no matter how out of love they have fallen.

8:03 AM  
Blogger zoe_k said...

Jake said that Tom feels the need to be in control. Even though he has an affair with myrtle, he resents Daisy's affair with Gatsby, but rather than confronting her he allows it to happen in order to show that he is not threatened and he will always be in control

8:04 AM  
Blogger Kevin Mackey said...

Daisy and Tom's Child
-I believe that is a factor of whats holding them back but im not sure thats all that holding htem together.

8:04 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Many people are saying that Tom and Daisy once had a relationship. Do you think it is still ongoing or is it dying down?

8:04 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

I agree with Tyler that society is what is keeping them together. But also at the end of chapter 7 Daisy and Tom were talking while Gatsby was outside waiting for Daisy and Nick said it seemed like they were planning something. hmmmm....

8:05 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

I agree with Channing because Tom and Daisy's daughter is similar to their marriage in the sense that they enjoy the image of a happy family. In reality they hardly pay attention to her.

8:05 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Why do you think that parents suffer by being with somebody they don't love anymore, but they stay together only because of a child?

8:06 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

Kevin M. I agree that there is something else that is holding them together. I really wonder if maybe they actually have some feelings for each other.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

About what Jeff said, I think that both Tom and Daisy realize that their relationship is not realistic, and cannot happen

8:07 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

Zoe I feel as if Tom has lost control of the situation and he is just letting everything go with the flow. Tom can't do anything to really change the way that Daisy feels about Gatsby. Tom does like to be in control but when he is not in control his comfort level drops and he starts getting shaky.

8:07 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

Jeff- I think their relationship is definately dying. It seems as if it pains both of them to create small talk. If it is hard for them to do such a simple thing, how can they have an in depth relationship?

8:07 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

I agree with Jake and Zoe that Tom wants to be in control, but I also think it is kind of about jalousy. Karm also said that Tom is at a loss of control with a agree with. The whole idea of divorce in the community shows that Tom can have control by overcoming that by being with Daisy still, but showing that he can have it in both ways by being with Myrtle too.

8:07 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

Well Jeff I believe that their relationship is in a poor state, but I think that they could rekindle their love very quickly. They feel they dont have to though because they are already married and don't have to show love towards each other after they are legally bonded

8:08 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

Jeff, I think that a child means more than just love. That a child can hold a pair out-of-love together because it is from both of them and it is something special that could be ruined by separatin.

8:08 AM  
Blogger METZGER said...

so how is it going everyone... and by the way i think that everyone in this book is in love with the idea of it, because that is whats socialy exceptable at the time period, eh

8:09 AM  
Blogger Hadley said...

I agree with Celcily to some extent about Tom not loving Daisy or Myrtle, he just loves having the control over them. He does show a lot of control over Myrtle by hitting her and always sticking up for his wife. But on the contrary, Tom shows more love towards Daisy. If he had to love one more, it would without a doubt be Daisy.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Jeremy L said...

I believe the reason why parents tend to stay together for a child, and a child only, has to do with selflessness and selfishness. Selfless in that they look past their own personal discomfort in order for the child to grow up in a stable world. Yet selfish in that they truly don't care about the pain they cause the other by staying with the other person when they are not wanted.

8:09 AM  
Blogger michaelm said...

for jeff's comment: I believe they stay with the child because the child is innoncent. They realize it wouldn't be fair to split up and put their child through their problems.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Kevin Mackey said...

I think that Daisy kind of resembles Zelda in his own life, but he could never get to her because wasn't succesful enough, enough when they were married their marriage was shaky

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who does Daisy Love?-Amber
I agree with Emily's comment, that she loves both of them (Tom and Gatsby) in different ways. Daisy has love for Gatsby in the sense that she is infatuated with his life style and his way of life. Her love for Tom is different because she still values her marraige with Tom.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

Have you ever had an awkward time with a boy that all you could ever do is create small talk, then finally by the end of the day both of you relax and then conversation comes more smoothly. I feel as if it is awkward between Gatsby and Daisy because Daisy has a husband yet at the same time is in love with Gatsby. Give it time and it will open up

8:10 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

What do you all think of Gatsby and his kind of shadowy past? They are talking about it in the inner circle.

8:10 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

I think that the child would suffer more by being around two people that do not love each other. I believe it would distort the childs sense of love towards anyone in their life

8:10 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

Well if Daisy liked Gatsby for this money, like in the paragraph when she is in awe of his clothing, is she in love with Tom because of his money too? Or does she just love Gatsby for his money? Which one does she love for real?

8:10 AM  
Blogger zoe_k said...

Brittany-Daisy and Tom's relationship is dying yet Daisy and GAtsby's relationship was already dead, but it came back. Do you think this will happen with Tom and Daisy?

8:10 AM  
Blogger JoshR said...

I agree with adam. No matter what a person does no one can change the way a person feels about someone. I think Tom realizes this and is letting daisy do what she wants.

8:10 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Brittany - I think it is really hard for them to have an in depth connection and relationship, but yet somehow it still happens. You can also view it in society because parents stay together without having that relationship there and being able to talk to one another, but they stay with one another because of some reason, whether it be a child, or wealth, etc. Do you think Daisy is staying with Tom because of love for him, or for another factor?

8:10 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

I agree with Tyler, even if the divorced parents love the child, the divorced parents don't love each other. This affects the child in ways that might not be seen for a long time.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

I think that why Daisy changes her mind so much because she is torn by the two men and that she can't choose. Also, I think that she wants the love of the past, and the love of the "future". Like Gatsby.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

I completely agree with Hads. Tom loves having the attention of both Myrtle and Daisy when in reality he loves neither. He loves the fact that two women are constantly giving him attention because it is satisfying in his mind.

8:12 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

Scott- I agree but at the same time wouldnt the child rather see both of her parents be happy being apart then see them miserable and be together?

8:13 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

I feel as if at one point Daisy did love Tom. That is why there is a child in the whole picture. As of right now I feel as if Daisy is together with Tom just for kicks. She is wealthy, has someone that loves her, and a child. She loved him but now its pointless compared to the relationship she has with Gatsby.

8:13 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

I think Daisy is staying with Tom because she loves hearing Tom fight for her and all the attention she is all of the sudden recieving from Tom.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Hadley said...

Responding to Jordans question, will Daisy really leave Tom? i believe that she will leave Tom because Tom only shows compassion for her when he is in fear of losing her. When he has her he is not worried but once he gets a threat from Gatsby, he starts to show emotion and acts like he cares about Daisy. Gatsby after all has been stalking her for the past 5 years. He must love her if he is willing to go after her after all those years.

8:13 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

I agree with Tyler, i think the child would suffer more seeing two people stay together without love or a connection there, rather than having two healthy parents that love each other dearly.

8:13 AM  
Blogger zoe_k said...

Looking at this from a feminist point of view-maybe the reason Daisy started things up with Gatsby again was Daisy's way of proving that she can have all the same things as Tom.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Jeremy L said...

To what Channing said, I don't think that it is Daisy who is in love with either of these men for their money. But rather she is in love with luxury and money itself. Tom and Gatsby just happen to be associated with these idols that Daisy truly seems to worship and hold to her heart.

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daisy does resemble Zelda- Fitzgerald's real life crush, who he based many of his characters on

8:14 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

I don't think that Daisy will ever leave Tom. I think that she wants to leave him sometimes, but at other times, she just wants to go the easy way, and I think that she gets that with Tom.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

Adam- I agree that Daisy and Gatsby's relationship will open up, I was discussing Tom and Daisy's relationship.

8:15 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

I agree with Hadley that Daisy will eventually leave Tom because yes, I believe that she knows that Gatsby actually loves her. Tom loves two people which I do not think is Ok, while Gatsby has not loved another in 5 years.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Kevin Mackey said...

I agree with the inner circle that Daisy is not sure what would happen is she goes with Gatsby, and that she likes mischief and wants to a live a mysterious life-style. It seems as if she is bored with her life

8:15 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

Look at divorce. Two parents are not together and don't love eachother anymore and yet a child can survive. Parents can be healthy parents even if they aren't together. I feel as if two parents contribute to the child its not important if the parents love eachother.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Hadley said...

I agree with Amber, Daisy does seem to be bored around Tom and she is always eager to see Gatsby becuase his life is exciting and different than the boring life she lives every day.

8:15 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

A child living with parents that do not love each other would show the child what marriage does to people and maybe cause the child not to ever have true love for anyone

8:16 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Lizzie- Why do you think that Daisy would leave Tom for Gatsby because it almost seems as if they are falling back in love again in some way, so why would she live a miserable life with Tom when she doesn't love him, but have a happy life with Gatsby?

8:16 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

Based off of what Jeremy said, I think that loves the idea of love, but not the person. Daisy wants only what she can't have.

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jordan poses the question of whether or not Daisy is bored with her life. I think she is, and she feels that the only remedy for escaping troubles with her husband and being a mother is partying hard with Gatsby

8:17 AM  
Blogger zoe_k said...

Amber asked if Daisy was driven by boredom. I think this may be true, because its possible that Gatsby draws her in because he is something new and different. Rather than being content with her husband and daughter, I think she appears to follow money because it opens the door for new experiences

8:17 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

Zoe- I feel as if Tom and Daisy's relationship won't come back. I think Gatsby and Daisy's is coming back because they experienced a genuine true love with one another. I feel as if Tom and Daisy never shared the love Daisy shared with Gatsby.

8:18 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

I like Mrs. Kakos's comment about how Daisy's daughter does not even have a name. This paragraph was what I was talking about earlier how she does not even have a real relationship with her daughter. Daisy talks to her child as though she is another friend. I think that Daisy likes the idea of a child and a perfect family, but she does not know how to really make that a reality.

8:18 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Yea but Adam, don't you think that a child is better raised with two parents that are together and in love rather than two parents that are seperated?

8:18 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

Ms. Kakos was reading a section from the book about the daughter. I just want to bring up the fact that the color of dresses of Jordan and the child are both white. I think that white is supposed to represent attempted innocence. What do you think?

8:18 AM  
Blogger TylerMaybee said...

Here is a completely new question-
In that scene with the child why do you think Daisy asks the kid what do think of my friends aren't they pretty?

8:18 AM  
Blogger Jeremy L said...

I believe that Daisy just thrives on chaos and drama in her life. That would explain why her and Tom move all the time because they both don't like having any sense of security in their lives. From what we've seen in Daisy, we notice how her behavior tends to be fickle and innoconsistent, almost two-faced. This quality tells us what kind of person Daisy truly is, that she can never be happy of what she has, unless if it is at risk.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

The relationship between Daisy, Gatsby, and Tom are like Chick-flick movies. Just how there is a happy couple untill a past love comes along and wins the heart of a young girl already in love. Gatsby is more of a gentlemen than Tom and definately has more potential in life than Tom. Tom only has money, no personality.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Kevin Mackey said...

Daisy does not have a very good relationship with her daughter, it is like they are just friends and that her mother his messed up. I agree that she does think that Daisy thinks that the child is more hers then Tom's even though she doesn't treat her that way.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Hadley said...

I believe that Daisy is putting on a show to make it seem as though her and her daughters relationship is normal and has love in it. The conversation between the two just seems so set up and fake. Daisy is trying to make herself seem great by comparing her daughtet to herself. She even said she wanted to show her off. Like John said, she is more of a possesion rather than a child.

8:18 AM  
Blogger ChanningA said...

Zoe-I like that comment how Daisy is just bored and how she likes money and her child because it is some adventure in her relationship

8:19 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

Shadeh- I think that the infamous parties of the '20s only provided an escape for the pain and frustration of the time period.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

I agree with John when he said it's not a true mother/daughter love. Daisy treats her more like a material item that she can show off rather then a human being. She treats her daughter like all her possesions.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

Jeff, to answer your question to me, I know that Myrtle is creating a flaw in their relationship, but I also think that she isn't entirly unhappy with her relationship with him.

8:19 AM  
Blogger jeffb said...

Channing - do you think that her relationship with her daughter will ever change? Do you think that she can't hold the relationship right because of Tom and Daisy's relaltionship together?

8:20 AM  
Blogger Adam B. said...

Of course a child would be better raised in a situation with two parents together, but that doesn't mean that its impossible to raise a child with a seperation of the parents. Tom and Daisy love their child, not eachother.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Kakos's comment about Daisy dangling Gatsby in front of Tom makes me think, why would she want to tease and intentionally hurt Tom?

8:21 AM  
Blogger METZGER said...

i agreewith hadles too

8:21 AM  
Blogger Lizzie A said...

I agree with Ms.Kakos, that Daisy is acting like a child in her flaunting Gatsby.

8:21 AM  
Blogger JoshR said...

I agree with Channing. Daisy talks about the child as if it's just a friend. She doesn't seem to care that it is her child and she just wants a perfect family. She just doesn't have the motivation to get that done.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Brittany F said...

I agree with Ms. Kakos when she said Daisy was dangling Gatsby in front of Tom. I feel like she wants the best of every world, but I think she is going to regret it soon.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Jeremy L said...

Tyler- I believe the reason why she asks her daughter to say her friends are pretty is due to the fact that she is a very insecure person. She always requires attention and comforting in that the choices she has made as in the friends she keeps and the person who she is aren't the wrong decisions.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Scott A said...

Adam- Even though the parents love the child, they don't love each other. That leaves an example that is not healthy for the child.

8:22 AM  

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